Motorcylce MVA, 422, Butler Twp

19:57: Stations 3, 1, 38 and 99 alerted for a motorcycle accident on 422 eastbound at the Route 8 South exit ramp.

Multiple stations alerted for a motorcycle accident at the Route 8 South exit ramp of 422 eastbound in Butler Township.

20:02: Station 1 units are on location.

20:04: 99-4 checking the availability of the nearest air evac.

20:07: Control states MedEvac 16 gave a 12 minute ETA, on standby if needed. 99-4 says to put them in the air, LZ will be the old Bon Aire school on Homewood Drive.

20:08: Rescue 3 will be ground contact; Squad 3-2 to divert to the Butler County Children’s Center to assist with the landing zone.

99-4 requesting the nearest air medical to the old Bon Aire school (Butler County Children’s Center).

20:21: Stat 16 contacting the Landing Zone for the LZ brief. Approximately 2 minutes out.

20:22: The LZ crew reports visual on the aircraft.

20:23: The LZ crew is confirming visual contact, the aircraft states they are circling and will notify on final.

20:27: Captain 3 reporting Stat MedEvac is on the ground at the LZ.

20:35: Station 1 units are back in service.

20:36: Stat is in the air to Pittsburgh.

20:37: All Station 3 units clear.

20:38: 99-4 now reporting clear of the landing zone.