Motorcycle MVA, Holyoke Rd @ Willow Run Dr.

02:33: Stations 14, 25, and 99 alerted for a report that a passerby found a motorcyclist on the ground unresponsive.

Unionville and West Sunbury Fire Departments and Butler Ambulance alerted for a motorcyclist found unresponsive on the ground.

02:34: Butler Ambulance 99-3 and 99-21 are assigned and responding. Control states the patient was breathing but unresponsive as of the last update.

02:35: Chief 14-2 acknowledging. Captain 14 en route direct. Chief 25-2 en route to the station. 99-21 requesting Control check the availability of air evac and place them on standby.

02:36: Lieutenant 25-2 en route to the station.

02:37: Control stating LifeFlight 4 gave a 10 minute ETA to Unionville Fire Station.

02:38: Captain 14 on scene reporting 1 motorcycle off the roadway, investigating. Patient status was reported but not readable on the scanner.

Captain 14 on scene with 1 motorcycle off the roadway.

02:40: Rescue 14 en route. Captain 14 stating Control can cancel Station 25 at this time and Rescue 14 can proceed into the scene. 99-21 requesting patient status from Captain 14; his response was cut off by traffic on another channel but “unknown location of where he’s at or what’s going on” can be heard.

Captain 14 stating the patient is not aware of where he is at or what is going on.

02:41: Captain 14 states per Chief 14 Control is to put the helicopter in the air to Station 14. Rescue 14 is to divert to land the helicopter.

Captain 14 requesting the helicopter be sent to the Unionville Fire Station.

02:42: 99-3 on location.

02:43: 99-21 on location. Control states LifeFlight 4 is 10 minutes out.

02:44: Captain 14 requesting an ETA for PSP from Control. Control states they may ask the reason and asks if there is an issue; Captain 14 states the patient is becoming argumentative and combative.

Captain 14 stating the patient is becoming argumentative and combative.

02:45: Rescue 14 reports the LZ is established, Chief 14-2 will be the contact, and there are no additional personnel to send to the scene. Command states the motorcycle is already off the road, no need for any additional units. Control states PSP will get back to them with an ETA.

Rescue 14 reporting the Landing Zone is established. Control stating PSP has not given an ETA yet.

02:49: LifeFlight 4 is airborne from the Butler Airport.

02:50: 99-3 is transporting to the landing zone. Captain 14 requesting Control direct PSP there also.

02:54: LifeFlight 4 is taking the LZ brief from Chief 14-2. 99-3 arriving at the LZ. LF4 reporting just under 2 minute ETA.

02:56: The LZ has visual on the aircraft.

03:00: LifeFlight 4 reported on the ground at Unionville Fire Station.

03:23: 99-21 reporting LF4 is in the air to AGH. LZ 14 units back in service.

03:24: 99-21 clear of the LZ and in service.