Water Rescue, Lakeview Beach

16:38: Stations 24, 300, and 64 alerted for 2 people who were underwater at one point; one is now out of the water the other is still in the water. Callers are at Pavilion 5 on the North Shore.

Water rescue dispatched.

16:40: Station 20 acknowledged for Team 300.

16:41: Control informing Rescue 24 that one male is out of the water breathing, the other male is still in the water and can’t be seen.

Control updating responding units on the status of the subjects.

16:43: 64-1 en route.

16:44: Squad 20 en route with technicians and boats.

16:45: Squad 29-2 en route with Lieutenant 300-3.

16:46: Utility 14 responding with a boat.

16:49: Utility 14 stating Team 300 boats will be launching from Bear Run.

16:50: Squad 22 en route with Team 300 boats.

16:51: Squad 22 told not to go on I-79, “it’s bumper to bumper.”

16:54: Rescue 24 on scene.

16:55: Brush 24 en route. 64-1 likely on scene but was walked on.

16:57: Rescue 24 confirming 1 party is out of the water, 15 minutes since the other party has been seen.

Rescue 24 confirming 1 subject still in the water and not seen for 15 minutes.

16:58: Utility 14 on location at Bear Run. 64-1 is asking Control to check with Butler Ambulance for an ALS assist.

16:59: Chief 300(-2?) en route.

17:00: 99-5 is assigned and en route.

17:01: Squad 14 on location (not clear which specific location).

17:02: Chief 24-3 on scene.

17:03: Boat 14 is crossing the lake toward the beach, told to veer left of the beach, they’re around toward the back of the beach. There’s a pontoon boat about 30′ off shore that may be involved; the rescue boat was told to head toward it; the rescue boat has the other boat in sight.

The first boat is crossing the lake requesting further instructions.

17:05: Squad 22 on location at South Shore. Brush 24 on scene. Boat 14 is now in the area of the pontoon boat and was given the last spotted location. They’re going to begin running sonar.

The boat is approaching the area where the subject was last seen and will begin to run sonar.

17:06: Squad 20 on location. Water rescue units are stating the lake bottom goes out about 20′ from where the man mentioned in the previous clip is standing then drops off; about 30′ past him is where the subject went in; the water rescue units state they’re currently in about 6 feet of water.

Team 300 Water Rescue units discussing the position where the subject was last seen.

17:07: A hit on sonar was reported, they are investigating. They’re showing about 22 feet of water and are getting ready to put divers in the water.

Units reporting a hit on sonar and SCUBA divers are needed.

17:08: Lieutenant 300-3 requesting orders from Chief 300-2. Units on scene stating divers will need to enter the water from shore near the pavilion; all responding Team 300 units are directed there per Chief 300-2.

Team 300 receiving orders from Chief 300-2 and units on scene.

17:09: 64-2 reporting en route.

17:10: Chief 14-2 is telling Captain 14 the Captain is needed to responded to the scene of the Pavilion with SCUBA equipment.

17:12: Captain 14 is requesting an ambulance to Bear Run boat launch now for a patient with a burn to the hand.

17:16: 64-2 is en route to Bear Run for the burn patient. This is reportedly from launching a boat and will only be an evaluation.

17:17: Boat 300 requesting instructions from Boat 14. They’re stating they need to get to shore to work on a game plan.

Boats on the water discussing their course of action.

17:22: Butler Ambulance 99-5 on scene. 64-2 on scene. Chief 300-2 on scene on the North Shore.

17:23: Boat 300 is reportedly coming into shore to do a face-to-face with Chief 300-2.

17:32: 64-2 is clear from the boat launch. Chief 300-2 is asking Control to contact Beaver County for additional units to standby.

Chief 300-2 requesting Control have Beaver County place their SAR team on standby.

17:44: A 2nd Team 300 boat is reportedly available if needed, they were told they’ll be advised if needed.

17:46: 99-5 stating the 64 unit will be transporting 1 patient BLS soon and 99-5 is returning in service.

18:09: Control states they’re being asked if the Beaver Falls team is still needed on continued standby; MSP Command states to have them continue to standby for now.

18:14: Chief 300-2 telling Control to cancel the Beaver Falls units at this time.

18:28: Chief 24-3 states all Station 24 units are back in service; Team 300 units are loading up their gear.

18:41: Squad 20 now reporting all Team 300 units clear and in service.

18:56: 64-1 reporting en route to Butler Hospital.

19:13: 64-1 is reporting patient is a male in his 40s, drowning victim, was unresponsive about 2 minutes.

19:18: 64-1 is out at Butler Memorial Hospital.

19:27: 64-2 just now reporting clear of the Lakeview scene.

The Butler Eagle indicates that a body was found during this search. Read more here.