MVA w/ entrapment, 2427 W. Sunbury Rd.

21:24: Station 31 alerted along with Clintonville and Superior Ambulance for an MVA with entrapment and injury. Vehicle into a tree, believed 3 inside.

Multiple stations alerted for an MVA with injury and entrapment.

21:26: Squad 31 on location confirming 1 vehicle head-on into a tree. Superior 109 responding.

21:27: Squad 31 requesting air medical on standby at this time.

21:29: Engine 31 on location.

21:30: Control states MedEvac 16 gave a 17 minute ETA.

21:32: Chief 31 requesting Control expedite PSP, he’s stating “very rowdy individuals.” Control reports PSP is 3 minutes out.

Chief 31 requesting State Police expedite their response.

21:33: Chief 37 checking with Chief 31 if there is confirmed entrapment; Chief 31 states affirmative, they’re doing a door removal right now.

21:34: Superior 110 on location.

21:35: Chief 37 checking what Chief 31 needs, Chief 31 states at this time they can slow their response.

21:36: Chief 31 canceling air medical.

21:37: Squad 37 arriving.

21:45: No other updates from the scene.

21:49: Superior 106 on location. Unclear how many ambulances are on location.

22:00: No updates to this time.

22:05: Chief 37 reporting all 37 units are clear and available.

22:44: Incident terminated.