Male trapped, 348 Church Road, Clay Twp

16:33: Stations 14, 25 and 99 along with Water Rescue Team 300 alerted for a male stuck in an overflow pipe in a pond about 15 feet in, 4-5 feet deep, the head is above water and patient is currently stable.

Water Rescue Team alerted for a male stuck in a pipe.

16:34: 99-5 assigned, responding.

16:36: Lieutenant 300 en route to the scene.

16:37: Caller reports the male is holding onto the pipe and is being sucked in.

Control notifying Lieutenant 300 that the male is reportedly holding onto the pipe and being sucked into it.

16:38: Squad 22 responding to Team 300 garage for equipment trailer.

16:39: Squad 20 en route.

16:40: Rescue 14, Utility 25 en route.

16:42: Utility 25 on scene.

16:44: Chief 25-2 reporting to all responding units the patient is now out of the pipe.

16:45: Chief 25-2 states he is not out of the water yet but is stable.

16:46: Captain 25 reporting the patient is out of the water.

16:47: Water Rescue Team 300 is to be canceled per Captain 25. 99-5 on scene.

16:55: No further updates from this incident.

16:59: Butler Ambulance 99-5 reporting patient refusal.

17:01: All Station 25 units are clear of the scene.