ATV Wreck, Stone Church Road @ Flinner Lane

16:35: Stations 22, 13, and 62 alerted for an ATV accident, caller reporting male thrown from ATV, bleeding from head and legs.

Dispatch for ATV accident with injury.

16:36: Chief 22-3 en route to the scene. 62-4 en route.

16:38: Chief 13 asking Chief 22 if their ATV is needed; Chief 22 states he’ll be on scene shortly. Now on scene, 1 patient on the ground, investigating.

16:39: Closest air evac requested to standby. Rescue 22 en route.

16:40: Engine 13 en route.

16:41: Command reporting a 50 year old male is conscious, head and leg injuries. Engine 22-3 en route.

Command reporting patient status to the incoming ambulance.

16:43: MedEvac 14 on standby, 18 minute ETA. Engine 22 en route.

16:44: Helicopter is requested in the air; Station 13 units will handle the LZ which will be in the field near this intersection.

Command requesting the helicopter to the scene near the intersection.

16:45: Engine 13 approaching the scene; instructed to send any medical personnel up.

16:46: Engine 13 on scene now. 62-4 on scene.

16:47: Engine 22-3 on scene.

16:51: Rescue 22 on scene.

16:58: Captain 22 states he will be ground contact. Control states MedEvac should be about 5 minutes out now. There is a Stat MedEvac helicopter airborne north of Clarion and one south of New Castle currently. Unsure which is the incoming unit.

17:00: The helicopter is now southeast of New Castle, approaching I-79, and appears to be inbound to this incident. It originated near Youngstown.

17:03: Stat 14 contacting LZ13 for a brief, reporting about 1 minute ETA. They are crossing Route 19 currently near the Muddy Creek and Lancaster Township line.

17:04: The LZ has visual on the aircraft.

17:07: Stat is reported on the ground at the LZ.

17:15: No further updates yet; Stat MedEvac is still on the ground at the LZ.

17:19: Captain 22 reporting the helicopter is departing to Pittsburgh but the hospital was unclear.

17:25: Stone Church Command reporting all fire units back in service. Control states they are currently processing a call for his station on the interstate.

17:33: Stat MedEvac arriving at the helipad, Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh.