MVA, I-79 North near 85.4 MM

09:25: Stations 22 and 62 alerted. 62 acknowledging the call.

Stations 22 and 62 alerted for a vehicle accident with injuries.

09:26: 62-4 en route.

09:27: Station 22 acknowledging.

09:28: 62-2, Rescue 22 en route.

09:31: Unsure exactly where this occurred; 62 unit stating this is at the end of “the off-ramp” in the median. The 85.4 mile-marker is just South of the Evans Road bridge.

09:32: 62-2 on scene with 1 vehicle in the median; two tractor-trailers are pulled over also up the road; checking injuries. Engine 22 en route.

EMS arriving on scene providing an update to other units.

09:34: Squad 22, Engine 22-3 en route.

09:35: 62-4 states they are evaluating 1 patient, no entrapment.

09:36: Rescue 22 on scene.

09:38: Engine 22-3 arriving, instructed to position for early warning.

09:45: Squad 22 instructed by Command to reposition as they are creating too much backlog. Engine 22-3 returned in service.

09:55: No other updates from the scene yet.

10:03: Squad 22 instructed by Command to pack up and return in service.

10:48: Incident terminated; all Station 22 units back in service.