MVA w/ injury, near Speedway, Hansen Ave

15:14: Stations 1, 3, and 99 alerted. Reportedly 2 vehicles involved; this was given as Hansen at Pillow.

15:15: 99-3 assigned, Rescue 1, Engine 1, BT-3 en route.

15:17: First units are arriving, likely Station 1 units, audio was walked on. 99-3 is diverting to another call and 99-4 has been assigned to this call.

15:20: BT-3 on scene.

15:21: Station 3 acknowledging.

15:23: 99-4 on location.

15:24: Squad 3 en route.

15:50: 99-2 reporting on scene. Unsure when a 2nd EMS unit was added. Multiple active incidents.

15:53: Control checking if there is a 2nd transport unit on this incident; 99-2 states affirmative, they didn’t report en route due to heavy radio traffic.

15:56: All Station 3 units clear of this scene.