Water Rescue, near Porters Cove, Moraine State Park

15:20: Stations 20 (unknown if this was actually Station 20 alerted; both Station 20 and 24 later acknowledge), 64, and Water Rescue Team 300 alerted for a male at Moraine State Park, near the Porters Cove area who was in the water; his paddle board was located without him; his daughter is attempting to locate him. 64-2 is clear of a call on Moraine Drive and en route to this call.

Stations 20, 64, and County Water Rescue Team 300 alerted.

15:21: Portersville Station 24 acknowledging.

Portersville Station 24 acknowledging the call.

15:22: Captain 14 en route direct.

15:24: Evans City Station 20 acknowledging for Team 300.

Station 20 acknowledging for Water Rescue Team.

15:25: Rescue 24 en route.

15:26: Control alerting responding units that per the Moraine Park Ranger, contact has been made with the subject, he is okay and back on his paddle board, and units are instructed to proceed with caution.

The Moraine State Park Ranger has reported contact has been made with the subject and he is okay; units are to proceed under caution.

15:27: Team 300 stated they would call the Park Ranger directly to see if they’re still supposed to respond; Control states they were not canceled; Squad 20 will be responding with water rescue technicians.

15:28: Control now advising all units the Park Ranger has now stated they can all cancel their response.

Control advising the Park Ranger has now canceled all units.