Male w/ Accidental GSW to Leg, Eau Claire Borough

18:39: Station 32 alerted. Caller from 326 Gibson Street will meet EMS there and lead them to a patient in the field yelling for help.

Station 32 alerted for a patient in a field yelling for help.

18:43: 55-4 en route.

18:50: Control informing Chief 32 there is a 2nd caller and they now believe the patient is at 348 E. Main Street with an accidental self-inflicted gunshot wound to the foot. Chief 32 on location confirming GSW. Squad 32 is en route.

Chief 32 on location confirming an accidental self-inflicted gunshot wound.

18:51: Squad 32 confirming the location; Chief 32 states they are at the bottom of the hill coming out of Eau Claire. Telling Emlenton Ambulance unit this is right leg, below the knee.

18:52: Squad 32 on scene.

18:54: Helicopter requested on standby.

18:56: 55-4 on location.

18:57: Stat 8 on standby, 13 minute ETA.

18:59: Chief 32 canceling the helicopter.

19:02: Chief 32 now requesting the helicopter again, LZ will be at South Washington Street and East Park Avenue. The helicopter is requested in the air. PSP requesting a call from Chief 32, Control states this is possibly related to “something they were already working on.”

Chief 32 requesting the helicopter again, in the air. Control asking him to call PSP.

19:04: 55-4 is transporting to the LZ. No ETA is available; they’re having trouble getting another helicopter since the first was released.

19:10: Stat 14 now giving a 20 minute ETA.

19:12: Chief 32 asking if Stat can divert to Butler Hospital to rendezvous.

19:13: 55 unit en route to BMH, Control states Stat will meet them there.

19:14: A paramedic from Butler Ambulance is requested also for medication purposes.

19:15: Butler Ambulance alerted. 99-21 assigned. Squad 32 back in service.

19:16: 99-21 checking which route 55-4 is taking; 55-4 states they are on Route 38 passing J. M. Beatty’s furniture store.

19:22: 55-4 is passing through Hooker right now.

19:26: 99-21 stating they can meet at an auto body shop.

19:27: 99-21 is out at the rendezvous on Route 38.

19:36: MedEvac is approaching the BMH helipad.

19:37: Stat MedEvac is on the BMH helipad.

19:45: Paramedic gave inbound patient report to BMH.

19:47: 55-4 is out at BMH.

20:03: Stat MedEvac is airborne to Pittsburgh from BMH.

20:13: 99-21 back in service.

20:18: Stat is arriving at the UPMC Presbyterian helipad, Pittsburgh.