MVA w/ injury, I-79 Southbound @ 94 Mile Marker

19:25: Stations 24 / 22 / 64 (Portersville – Muddy Creek and Harmony Fire as well as Portersville – Muddy Creek EMS) alerted.

19:26: Rescue 24 en route.

19:27: Rescue 22 en route.

19:28: 64-2 en route.

19:30: Rescue 24 on location @ 94.2 Mile Marker.

19:33: Engine 22-4 en route. EMS 64-2 on location.

19:34: Rescue 22 instructed by I-79 Command to turn around and stage near a PD vehicle to block off the right-hand lane.

19:36: Rescue 22 on scene.

19:43: Engine 22-4 was approaching requesting orders but was put back in service by Command.

19:47: Ambulance 64-2 is back in service with no other updates on any patients. No one was transported.

20:49: All units are now clear of this incident.