Male found on trail, 2711 Prospect Road

09:37: Stations 14 / 99 alerted. This will be on a trail in the woods near this location. Unknown age male, amputee found, was lost overnight, is cold and shaking.

Unionville Station 14 and Butler Ambulance Station 99 alerted for a male amputee found on a trail that had been there overnight.

09:39: Prospect Station 13 activated by request of Station 14 for their UTV.

09:45: Rescue 14, UTV 13 en route. Control states an individual will meet them on Prospect Road and take them to the patient.

09:46: Engine 13 en route.

09:48: Control informing responding units this appears to be a hiking trail off W. Liberty Road just East of Prospect Road.

09:52: Units have made contact with the individual that was to meet them. Unclear which unit; audio was walked on.

09:54: Engine 13 on scene. Control informing units on scene PSP is sending a trooper; this is a missing person they were looking for.

10:04: PSP is on their way to the scene.

10:15: Units on scene reporting they are beginning patient extrication from the woods now.

10:25: Extrication marked complete; fire units report patient care transferred to Butler Ambulance.

11:01: Command terminated, all Station 13 and 14 units back in service.