16:09: Stations 11 and 99 alerted, second call reporting unspecified “injuries”, 2 vehicles.
16:10: Squad 11 en route from Powell Road.
16:12: Squad 11 on location.
16:13: Butler Control informing Butler Ambulance Station 99 police on scene put a helicopter on standby for an unresponsive patient, checking which unit is en route; Station 99 apparently did not receive the call on their end. Control gave them the details again.
16:14: Butler Ambulance 99-2 is en route.
16:15: Squad 11 on scene instructing additional units from their station to respond to the scene.
16:21: 99-2 requesting orders, reporting they are passing McBride’s Station now.
16:22: 99-2 on scene.
16:45: No additional updates from this scene up to this time.
16:51: Butler Ambulance 99-2 reporting back in service.
17:40: Command terminated, all Penn Township Fire Department units back in service. There were no other updates from the scene.
As later reported by local sources, this wreck did involve a fatality. Butler Radio