Motorcycle MVA, w/ injury, Whitestown Road

This will be between Dick Road & Eagle Mill Road in Connoquenessing Township. Reported motorcycle into a tree, un-helmeted rider is unresponsive but is breathing.

11:12: Stations 12 / 13 / 99 (Connoquenessing Township, Prospect, and Butler Ambulance) alerted.

Stations 12, 13, and 99 alerted for the motorcycle accident.

11:13: 99-2 responding, requesting helicopter on standby. Captain 12 responding directly.

11:16: Station 12 acknowledging the call. Control states this is 8/10 mile from Whitestown and Eagle Mill in the bend (to the left off of Dick Road).

11:17: Helicopter requested in the air by a unit on scene; traffic was walked on.

Station 12 acknowledging the call. Control provides a location update and a unit on scene requests a helicopter in the air but traffic was walked on.

11:19: Captain 12 requested the helicopter, 99-2 requesting patient update. Patient is conscious and breathing, compound fracture to the right leg. 99-2 states they are 5 minutes out. Chief 12 en route.

Ambulance 99-2 requests a patient update from Command after the helicopter was requested.

11:20: Command checking if Pennsylvania State Police are en route. Control inquiring the location for the landing zone. Possibly 916 Whitestown Road, multiple units continuously walking on each other and then asking for repeats.

11:22: 99-2 on scene.

11:24: Rescue 12 on scene. Control states Stat 3 is standing by with 11 minute ETA, they still need the location of the landing zone.

11:28: Whitestown Road command checking ETA on the helicopter, Control states Stat 3 is 9 minutes now, again inquiring the location of the landing zone and Command is not responding.

11:29: Fire Police are instructed by Command to shut down the roadway.

11:31: Stat MedEvac 3 is airborne from UPMC Cranberry.

11:36: The helicopter is coming over the Butler Farm Show Airport currently; landing zone was still not confirmed on the radio.

11:38: The helicopter is circling the area, requesting an LZ brief.

11:40: The helicopter is still circling at altitude and speed, it seems they are having trouble locating the landing zone. Stat MedEvac is now stating they have the LZ in sight, they will be orbiting and landing.

11:42: Stat is on the ground. It appears they did land in a field at 916 Whitestown Road. 99-2 out at the LZ.

11:58: Stat was spotted airborne from the LZ.

11:59: 99-2 reports patient care was transferred to MedEvac, they are en route to UPMC Presbyterian.

12:04: All Station 13 units are clear of the scene. Unknown if Connoquenessing Station 12 units remain.

12:08: Fire Police units state a Butler Eagle reporter is on their way down to the scene on foot.

12:11: Fire Police inquiring with Command if Butler Eagle can bring their vehicle down to the scene, Command states negative and to hold them “up there.”

12:12: Fire Police unit clarifying with Command and Command confirming no one is to proceed to the scene except the tow truck at this point. Stat MedEvac 3 is arriving on the helipad at UPMC Presbyterian, Pittsburgh.

12:13: Fire Police state the tow truck is headed down and the Butler Eagle reporter has disregarded instructions apparently to proceed to the scene on foot. Safety and professional decorum do not seem to be of concern for this reporter.

12:30: No other updates have been heard from this scene, although there has been some other radio traffic that could have walked on it.

12:31: Command terminated, all Connoquenessing Township Station 12 units now back in service.