56 year old male with a broken leg, on the track. 2469 William Flynn Highway.
18:02: Stations 25 / 14 / 99 (West Sunbury FD, Unionville FD, and Butler Ambulance) alerted.
18:03: Utility 14 en route.
18:05: Utility 25 en route. Utility 14 on scene.
18:06: Lieutenant 14 on scene.
18:08: Nearest aircraft requested on standby with a destination of Station 14. 99-2 requesting an update, Utility 14 reporting a compound femur fracture.
18:10: Stat Medevac 8 is on standby, 14 minute ETA.
18:13: Utility 25 on scene.
18:14: Command checking on ETA from Butler Ambulance, 99-2 states 2 minutes. Command states this is on the outside track, it is muddy, ambulance needs to stay in the parking lot. A stokes basket may be needed.
18:15: 99-2 on scene.
18:28: Stat is requested in the air to Unionville Station 14.
18:31: MedEvac will be launching, 14 minute ETA.
18:38: Stat MedEvac spotted airborne from Grove City Airport.
18:46: The helicopter is on the ground at Station 14’s LZ.
18:47: EMS reports they will be at the LZ in about 5 minutes.
18:53: Butler Ambulance 99-2 is clear of Switchback and en route to the LZ.
18:57: 99-2 is at the LZ.
19:05: No other updates. Stat MedEvac is still on the ground at the Unionville Fire Station.
19:10: 99-2 reports the helicopter is in the air, destination UPMC Presbyterian.
19:11: Utility 25 clear of the LZ.
19:29: Stat is arriving at the UPMC Presbyterian helipad in Pittsburgh.