Tree down on vehicle, 212 Murray Drive

This is in Middlesex Township. Tree reportedly fell on vehicle, occupants are out, requesting EMS evaluation.

13:39: Stations 16 / 11 / 76 (Penn Township, Middlesex Township, and Quality EMS) alerted.

13:40: Quality EMS 76-3 en route.

13:41: Control notifying Captain 9 that both First Energy and CenturyLink have been notified, no ETA from either.

13:47: Middlesex Township Rescue 16 en route.

13:53: Control updating responding units, Police Department advising this will be at the back of Murray Drive “where the gravel part is.”

13:55: Rescue 16 and Penn Township Rescue 11 on scene.

14:00: Quality 76-3 on scene.

14:22: Incident terminated; there were no other updates from this scene.