Mass exposure to hydrofluoric acid, Cleveland Cliffs

Cleveland Cliffs Plant Protection Station 54 contacting Butler Control to request multiple transport units from Butler Ambulance for as many as 8 patients with inhalation of hydrofluoric acid. Cleveland Cliffs is formerly Armco, in Butler Township.

09:06: Multiple Butler Ambulance units en route. Several nearby units have also responded, including Saxonburg Ambulance, and are standing by in the area.

Cleveland Cliffs Plant Protection requesting multiple transport units for eight patients with hydrofluoric acid exposure.

09:13: Closest air evac requested on standby, at least 2 units. Control asking for further details from Lieutenant 54, he states this is an inhalation (not contact exposure), and confirmed it is hydrofluoric and not hydrochloric acid. Control states 4 transports are inbound.

Butler Ambulance 99-6 requesting at least 2 helicopters on standby.

09:14: Butler Ambulance units 99-6, 99-2 on scene.

09:16: Butler Ambulance 99-11 on scene.

09:22: Ambulance 99-6 releasing the helicopters that were on standby.

09:31: Butler Ambulance 99-6 states all units on scene, 99-2, 99-4, 99-6, and 99-11, are transporting patients to Butler Memorial Hospital. 7 patients total. Control states the hospital is inquiring if the patients have been decontaminated, 99-6 states negative.

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09:32: Cleveland Cliffs FD Station 54 units are clear of the incident.

09:36: Butler City Fire Department Engine 1 and Tower 1 reporting en route to Butler Hospital in reference to this incident.

09:40: Engine 1 states City units are at the hospital now.

09:41: Ambulance unit states all 4 ambulances are en route, inquiring which entrance or pattern to use on arrival. City units checking.

09:45: Apparently Butler Ambulance 99-11 is having mechanical issues. They had the Saxonburg Ambulance unit that was in the city standing by turn around and begin following them to the hospital in case they can’t finish the transport.

09:50: City Fire units said they are unable to handle another call due to this incident.

09:51: Ambulance units are arriving at Butler Memorial.

10:35: Engine 1 reporting City units are clear of the hospital.