MVA E Lancaster @ Yellow Creek

16:57: Stations 22 / 62 alerted, 2 vehicles reportedly involved, with injury.

16:58: 62-2 en route.

17:01: Rescue 22 en route.

17:05: Engine 22 en route.

17:06: 62-2 and Engine 22-3 on scene.

17:08: Chief 22-3 on scene with Command. Rescue 22 on scene.

17:11: Engine 22 was released by Command prior to arrival.

17:26: Command is requesting People’s Gas check their equipment in the area. No gas leak reported, but some of their equipment may have been damaged.

17:31: 62-2 back in service with patient refusal.

18:12: Station 22 units back in service, scene is clear.