Male struck by a tree, multiple injuries, 373 Unionville Road

12:56: Patient in front yard, caller states a tree struck him, possible broken ribs, leg and arm injuries, bleeding from multiple locations, bleeding currently controlled by bystanders. Dispatch code indicates abnormal breathing as well.

12:57: 99-5 diverting from another call, en route. Chief 13 en route; Control asked if he wanted his station alerted, he does.

12:58: Station 13 activated by request of Chief 13.

12:59: 99-5 on location.

13:02: Engine 13 en route.

13:06: Butler Ambulance requesting a helicopter to the Unionville Fire Department. Chief 13 instructs Engine 13 to proceed to Station 14 and asked Control to activate Station 14 as well.

13:07: Engine 13 on scene.

13:09: Station 14 activated to setup the LZ at their station.

13:10: Stat 8 is assigned, 13 minute ETA.

13:12: Brush 13 instructed to proceed to Station 14.

13:16: Butler Ambulance 99-5 transporting to the LZ. The helicopter has not been spotted in the air yet.

13:18: 99-5 is at the LZ. Stat is airborne from Grove City Airport.

13:23: Stat 8 requesting LZ brief, 2.5 minutes out.

13:28: Stat on the ground at Unionville FD.

13:41: Stat 8 airborne to Pittsburgh.

13:58: Stat arrived at Allegheny General Hospital.