Motorcylce accident with injury, 2763 Mercer Butler Pike, Mercer County

16:02: 1 person reported with a leg fracture.

16:10: First SR Fire unit arriving reporting rider on the ground.

16:13: Nearest air medical requested on standby.

16:15: Helicopter requested in the air, no confirmation of availability yet.

16:20: Stat 8, 9 minute ETA to SRU practice football field.

16:26: Stat airborne from Grove City Airport.

16:31: Slippery Rock EMS transporting to the LZ. Stat was overhead a moment ago having trouble spotting the ground crew.

16:32: Stat 8 reportedly on the ground.

16:37: EMS arrived at the LZ.

16:51: Stat in the air.

17:00: Command terminated, all units back in service.

17:11: Stat arrived UPMC Presbyterian Pittsburgh.