17:31: Dispatched.
17:37: Harmony EMS arriving reporting this is at the end of the Evans City on ramp, 1 vehicle on its side in the median 20 feet off road.
17:39: Fire units arriving. Ambulance reported possible entrapment; 1 person still inside, unclear the extent of entrapment.
17:57: Command checking availability of a helicopter.
18:00: Stat 8 is 16 minutes, they’re still checking with LifeFlight.
18:02: LifeFlight 4 is on standby, 9 minutes.
18:09: LifeFlight requested in the air, LZ on the roadway at the scene.
18:18: LifeFlight on the ground.
18:32: LF in the air to AGH.
18:46: LF arriving AGH. All EMS units are clear of the scene.
19:18: All Cranberry Station 21 units cleared the scene.