Mobile home on fire, Molinaro Lane, Adams Township.

21:17: Dispatched. 126 or 128 Molinaro Lane.

21:23: A fire unit living nearby stated there will be access issues and it will be hard to get equipment to the scene. 4th alarm tanker assignments are requested.

21:24: Stations 11 and 15 (Penn Twp, Saxonburg) added for tankers.

21:25: Unit on scene reporting everyone is out. A bridge across the stream should reportedly hold a firetruck.

21:27: Station 42 (Adams Area) units arriving confirming eyes on a working fire, but stating they will not cross the bridge, they’re preparing to run a hose.

21:37: They are still working on water supply, setting up leader lines because they can’t cross the bridge.

21:42: Leader line(s) are charged but they need more pressure due to length of hose required.

22:02: They’re feeding tankers now, waiting for electric company due to live wires in the way, and they need generator-powered lighting to the scene.

22:13: Command on scene advising Butler Control this fire is under control.

~23:15: Cleanup is still in progress. There’s a problem shutting down a hydrant in front of the municipal building and the water company will have to respond.

23:48: Incident terminated, remaining units are back in service.